Do You Want to Attract More Women – Studies Recommend You Buy a Guitar

French study finds a guitar makes men more attractive to women. Photo: Saurav Sen / Pexels

Study reveals that women are more attracted to a man holding a guitar 

A study from French Universities, South Brittany and Paris-Sud found that a man is perceived as more attractive to women if he’s holding a guitar and that women are more attracted to a man with a guitar.

Researchers enlisted a young good looking man who was assigned to approach women between the ages of 18 – 22 and ask them for their phone numbers.

The man would approach the women in three different situations, empty-handed, carrying a sports bag and carrying a guitar case. For each scenario, he would ask the same question “I think you’re really pretty, and can I have your phone number.”

When the man approached the women empty-handed fourteen percent provided their phone number, when carrying a sports bag the number dropped to nine percent, and when carrying a guitar the percentage of young women gave their phone number increased to thirty-one.

According to the French researchers playing the guitar may be associated with physical and intellectual abilities.

A previous Israeli study published in Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science had similar results.

A 100 single female students at two universities received a Facebook friend request with the words, “Hey, what’s up? I like your photo” from a single young man.

Half female students received a request showing a picture of the man playing the guitar and the other half a picture of the young man without a guitar.

While five of the 50 women responded positively to the picture of the young man without a guitar, fourteen or 28 percent responded positively to the profile image of the man playing the guitar.